CFP: 1st International Conference on Service Oriented

Computing (IC-SOC)
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1st International Conference on Service Oriented 
Computing (IC-SOC)

Trento, Italy,
December 15-18, 2003

Theme and Objectives:

Service Oriented Computing (SOC) is the new emerging paradigm for 
distributed computing and e-business processing that has evolved from 
object-oriented and component computing to enable building agile 
networks of collaborating business applications distributed within and 
across organizational boundaries. 

Services are autonomous platform-independent computational elements 
that can be described, published, discovered, orchestrated and 
programmed using XML artifacts for the purpose of developing massively 
distributed interoperable applications. 

The application of the service-oriented computing model to Web 
resources to provide a loosely coupled model for distributed processing 
is manifested by Web services.  

Services are more than just software components; their platform neutral 
and self-describing nature and particularly their ability to enable 
business collaborations provides significant competitive advantages. 

Combined with recent developments in the area of distributed systems, 
workflow management systems, business protocols and languages, services 
can provide the automated support needed for e-business integration 
both at the data and business logic level. They also provide a sound 
support framework for developing complex business transaction sequences 
and business collaboration applications. 

Before the service oriented computing paradigm becomes reality, there 
is a number of challenging issues that need to be addressed including 
among other things service modeling and design methodologies, 
architectural approaches, service development, deployment and 
composition, programming and evolution of services and their supporting 
technologies, methodologies and infrastructure.

This conference aims to bring together researchers and developers from 
diverse areas of computing and developers to explore and address these 
challenging research issues in order to develop a common research 
agenda and vision for service oriented computing.

List of topics

Topics that are addressed by this conference include:

Core service activities and technologies
- Service description and advertisement 
- Service discovery, and selection 
- Service delivery
- Service monitoring and management
- Service quality
- Service composition 
- Service technologies and platforms 
- Service security issues & concerns
- Business process modeling and specification
- Business protocols & transactions

Software engineering techniques for service-based development
- Service lifecycle
- Service analysis techniques
- Service design principles
- Service design patterns 
- Requirements for service-oriented processes
- Testing & verification 

Service & AI Computing 
- Intelligent services
- Multi-agent based service models
- Knowledge-management & services
- Service brokering & composition-panning
- Non-conventional planning techniques for services (non-
deterministic, interleaved, reactive planning)

Service & P2P/Grid Computing  
- Open/dynamic grid service architectures
- Grid computing & services on-demand
- Communication protocols & policy based management mechanisms
- Publish-Subscribe schemes
- Real-time supply chain integration
- Performance analysis & evaluation

Service & Mobile Computing  
- Location-based services
- Proximity-based notification
- Mobile e-business
- Services for 3G+ Networks
- Disaster Recovery and Continuous Operation

Service Computing & Applications
- e-Business
- e-Learning
- e-Tourism
- e-Government
- Telecommunication service provisioning
- Banking and insurance service based applications


General Chairs:   Fabio Casati, HP Labs, Palo Alto (US)

                  Bernd Kraemer, Univ. of Hagen (D) 
PC Chairs: 
 Americas         Sanjiva Weerawarana, IBM, TJ Watson Res. Center

 Europe           Mike P. Papazoglou, Univ. Tilburg, (NL) 

 Australasia      Maria Orlowska, DSTC/Univ. of Queensland, (AUS)
Tutorial Chairs:  Barbara Pernici, Politecnico di Milano (I)

Panel Chairs:     Paul Grefen, Univ. of Twente, (NL)

                  Stefan Tai, IBM TJ Watson Research Center

Industrial Papers 
Chair:            Chris Bussler, Oracle Corporation, (US) 

Publicity Chair:  Athman Bouguettaya, Virginia Tech., (US)
                  Willem-Jan van den Heuvel, Univ. Tilburg, (NL) 

Proceedings Chair:Jian Yang, Univ. of Tilburg (NL) 

International Liaison Chairs:
                  Charles Petrie, Stanford Univ. (US)

                  Thomas Risse, Fraunhofer Gesselsch. IPSI (D)

                  Makoto Takizawa, Tokyo Denki Univ. (JP)

Organizing Chairs:Vincenzo d'Andrea, Univ. of Trento (I)

                  Marco Aiello, Univ. of Trento (I)

Program Committee

Nabil Adam, Rutgers Univ. (USA) 
Marco Aiello, Univ. of Trento (I) 
Mikio Aoyama, Nanzan Univ. (J) 
Carlo Batini, AIPA (I) 
Boualem Benatallah, UNSW (AU) 
Tiziana Catarci, Univ. of Rome (I) 
Vincenzo D'Andrea, Univ. of Trento (I) 
Veleria de Antonellis, Politechn. di Milano (I) 
Alex Delis, Univ. of Athens (GR) 
Schahram Dustdar, Vienna University of Technology (A) 
David Edmond, QUT (AU) 
Ian Foster, Univ. of Chicago (USA) 
Brent Hailpern, IBM Thomas J Watson Research Center (USA) 
Paul Johannesson, Stockholm Univ. (S) 
Rania Khalaf, IBM TJ Watson Research Center (USA) 
Craig Knoblock, University of Southern California (USA) 
Manolis Koubarakis, Technical University of Crete (GR) 
Winfried Lamersdorf, Hamburg Univ. (D) 
Paul Layzell, UMIST (UK) 
Frank Leymann IBM Software Group (D) 
Maurizio Marchese, Univ. Trento (I) 
Fabio Massacci, Univ. of Trento (I) 
Massimo Mecella, Univ. of Rome (I) 
Giacomo Piccinelli, Univ. College (UK) 
Dimitris Plexousakis, Univeristy of Crete (GR) 
Michael Rosemann, QUT (AU) 
Wasim Sadiq, SAP Corporate Research (AU) 
Karsten Schultz, SAP Corporate Research (AU) 
Santosh Shrivastava, Univ. of Newcastle (UK) 
Maarten Steen, Telematica Instituut (NL) 
Patrick Strating, Telematica Instituut (NL) 
Eleni Stroulia, Univ. of Alberta (CA) 
Satish Thatte, Microsoft (USA) 
Paolo Traverso, IRST (I) 
Aad van Moorsel, Hewlett-Packard (USA) 
Carlos Varela, Rensselaer Poly. Inst. (USA) 
Benkt Wangler, University of Skoevde (S) 
Steve Vinoski, Iona (USA) 
Yanchun Zhang, Univ. of Southern Queensland (AU)
Important Dates

 Tutorial and panel submission  May 30, 2003  
 Abstract submission June 20, 2003 
 Full paper submission June 27, 2003 
 Notification of final acceptance September 5, 2003 
 Final manuscript due September 30, 2003 
 Tutorials December 15, 2003 
 Main conference December 15-18, 2003


One of the goals of the conference is to bring the academic and industrial 
research communities closer. To this end the conference solicits two kinds 
of submissions, research and industrial papers, and places emphasis on the 
SOC industrial program.

Research Papers  

The conference is soliciting only original high quality research papers on 
all aspects of service-oriented computing. Submitted papers will be evaluated 
on significance, originality, technical quality, and exposition. They should 
clearly establish the research contribution, its relevance to service-oriented 
computing and its relation to prior research.  
Industrial & Applications Papers  

The conference also encourages high quality submissions covering innovative 
service based implementations and novel applications of service oriented 
technology, or major improvements to the state-of-practice. Actual case 
studies from practitioners emphasizing applications, service technology, 
system deployment, organizational ramifications, or business impact are 
especially welcomed. 

Submissions that do not relate to commercial software and standards or 
industrial prototypes in wide use are not encouraged. 
These submissions will be forwarded to the Industrial Track Chairs and 
evaluated by an Industrial Committee.  

Paper Submission Guidelines  

Research papers are not to exceed 5000 words (or 16 pages in the LNCS style) 
and should be submitted in PDF. Industrial papers are not to exceed 3000 words 
(or 10 pages in the LNCS style) and should likewise be submitted in PDF. 

Acceptance of a paper means an obligation for at least one of the authors to 
attend the conference and present the paper. 

There are plans to invite several authors to provide paper revisions for 
special issues in acknowledged scientific journals.  

Conference Proceedings  

The ICSCOC'03 proceedings will be published by Springer Verlag under Lecture 
Notes in Computer Science ( 
Conference Web-site:

For more information about the conference please send and e-mail to:

Athman Bouguettaya        Phone:703-538-8403
Dept of Computer Science  Fax  :703-538-8348
Virginia Tech   
7054 Haycock Rd 
Falls Church, VA 22043

Received on Thursday, 29 May 2003 18:24:17 UTC