Re: Process parameter description

We actually did discuss this issue early on in the creation
of the DAML-S process model.  At one time we actually distinguished
properties that were "complete" (and thus for which the closed-world
assumption could be assume) and parameter lists that were not
complete.  Unfortunately, this distinction did not make
it into the final version of DAML-S, and thus the semantics
assumes, as Drew noted, that the parameters (inputs, outputs,
effects, etc.) listed in the process model are "all and only"
the parameters relevant to the service.  This is also reflected (though
not discussed explicitly) in the semantics proposed in [1].


[1] Narayanan, S. and McIlraith, S. ``Simulation, Verification and
Automated Composition of Web Services''. To appear in the Proceedings of
the Eleventh International World Wide Web Conference (WWW-11), May, 2002.

On Tue, 27 May 2003, Drew McDermott wrote:

>    [Jan Ortmann]
>    Date: Sun, 25 May 2003 18:53:48 +0200
>    I have a question concerning parameters in the Process-Description.
>    Is there a possibility to state that a process has some parameters and
>    that these are the only ones the process has.
> This issue never came up, to my knowledge.  Obviously, there's a
> "closed-world assumption" at work here: any proposition not explicitly
> mentioned as an effect of an action is not altered in truth value by
> that action.  There is a long tradition of making this assumption in
> the theory and practice of automated planning.  It happens to be a
> good illustration of nonmonotonic reasoning in DAML-S, a topic raised
> in another thread.
> --
>                                              -- Drew McDermott


Sheila McIlraith, PhD                 Phone: 650-723-7932
Senior Research Scientist             Fax:  650-725-5850
Knowledge Systems Lab
Department of Computer Science
Gates Sciences Building, 2A-248
Stanford University                   E-mail: sam-at-ksl-dot-stanford-dot-edu
Stanford, CA 94305-9020

Received on Tuesday, 27 May 2003 16:02:09 UTC