Re: Process parameter description

   [Jan Ortmann]
   Date: Sun, 25 May 2003 18:53:48 +0200

   I have a question concerning parameters in the Process-Description. 
   Is there a possibility to state that a process has some parameters and
   that these are the only ones the process has. 

This issue never came up, to my knowledge.  Obviously, there's a
"closed-world assumption" at work here: any proposition not explicitly
mentioned as an effect of an action is not altered in truth value by
that action.  There is a long tradition of making this assumption in
the theory and practice of automated planning.  It happens to be a
good illustration of nonmonotonic reasoning in DAML-S, a topic raised
in another thread.

                                             -- Drew McDermott

Received on Tuesday, 27 May 2003 15:43:21 UTC