Re: Explaining visibility, take 54

On Mon, May 12, 2003 at 09:55:50AM -0400, Geoff Arnold wrote:
> > I know.  That is my objective too.
> >
> > My generic case has more visibility than your generic case, because I
> > have a generic application.
> Your "stock quote analysis intermediary" (your words) is a generic
> application? OK, now you've lost me.

That example was just to demonstrate that application-specific
intermediaries have improved visibility into interactions between
components participating in that application, which you appeared to
agree with.

The generic application I'm talking about there, is the Web, with HTTP
defining the application interface.  See;

Mark Baker.   Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA.
Web architecture consulting, technical reports, evaluation & analysis
  Actively seeking contract work or employment

Received on Monday, 12 May 2003 10:32:55 UTC