Re: question about "xsltTransformation" property in DAML-S 0.9+


Having just spend 4 months trying "to figure out _exactly_ how the 
mapping should be carried out" for a couple of simple cases in the 
transportation domain, (albeit using XQuery rather than XSLT), I can 
safely say that without the guidelines that Joachim is suggesting here, 
the translation suggested here will only result in an ever expanding web 
of non-interoperable ambiguity.

How can semantic precision ever arise from syntactic sloppiness?


Massimo Paolucci wrote:

>this is a quick answer to your message.  I will probably send you a
>more complete answer later after I look at your examples.  
> writes:
> > Does there exist an example/explanation of the "xsltTransformation"
> > property, or is this work in progress?
>I believe that the best example so far is in the to be
>published soon as part of 0.9.
> > *  a DAML+OIL concept can have multiple RDF/XML representations => Q: Do
> > you plan to impose some guidelines which restrict the use of certain RFD
> > abbrev. syntaxes, or do you think it's the responsibility of the softare
> > agents, to figure out how _exactly_ the mapping should be carried out ,
> > e.g. to figure out which RDF/XML style is used,  etc.
>The latter is the correct approach. The point of the XSLT
>tranformation is to provide a way to model Web services using DAML-S
>even though those Web services do not "speak" DAML, OWL or RDF.
>Basically, the rationale is that a Web service, say a book selling Web
>service, will have to deal with titles, author names, isbn number and
>what not.  All this information has to be communicated no matter what,
>even if the Web service does not use DAML,RDF or OWL.  The XSLT
>tranformation is there to allow the client to tranform the XML data it
>received from the Web service and tranform it in a format that it can
>understand.  Possibly this format is DAML, but I believe that we can
>support any other XML data format.
> > * XSLT Transformations are not bi-directional => Q: will the stylesheets
> > for inputProperties look different than those for outputProperties?
>Yes, you have to write two tranformations, one for the incoming
>messages, one for the outcoming ones.
>I hope that my comments helped, I look forward to read your examples,
>and to hear more comments from you.
>--- Massimo.

Received on Thursday, 8 May 2003 12:42:39 UTC