DAML-S: nondeterministic services

Hello all,
                Suppose we have a service ApproveCredit that takes in 
CCName, CCNumber and CCExpiryDate as the input and produces the ValidCC 
and InValidCC as the conditional effects based on the condition VALID. 
If this is the right way for modeling this kind of service then how 
would you advertise this service.

The service cannot indicate the "value" of VALID if inputs are not 
known. This service is nondeterministic w/o the value of VALID. How will 
you handle such services for composition. One possibility is to have a 
2-phase method. The first phase involves providing the inputs to the 
service provider who in return will provide the value for VALID. Once 
VALID is known, composition is possible.


Received on Sunday, 4 May 2003 07:51:36 UTC