RE: DAML-S and ebXML Registry

 As I said to Anne's e-mail we are dong the DAML-S matchmaker work at
cmu. We wouls be interested in the ebxml semantic web registry idea.
 Let us talk.
 --Katia Sycara

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of
Farrukh Najmi
Sent: Friday, August 01, 2003 12:09 PM
To: Terry R. Payne; 'Jeff Lansing'
Subject: DAML-S and ebXML Registry

Terry and Jeff,

On a related note, some time back a similar paper was done on DAML/S and

ebXML Registry [0].

It may also be of interest that the OASIS ebXML Registry TC [1] plans to

align with the semantic web in version 4 of its specifications [2]. The 
plans include direct support for RDF, OWL, DAML-S within the Registry 
Information Model (RIM). I have discussed these plans with Eric Miller 
recently. We found common ground on several areas one fo which was the 
thought that ebXML Registry and Repository could play a similar role for

the semantic web as do web servers todays for the current web. It could 
be a "Semantic Web Server" standard.

Work is getting underway within ebxmlrr, an open source implemenation of

ebXML Registry [3] to explore alignement with SWA in advance of the 
version 4 spec work within ebXML Registry.

If anyone in your group is interested in contributing to the ebXML 
Registry / SWA Alignment work please drop me an email. Thanks.



[1] OASIS ebXML Registry TC

[2] Latest OASIS ebXML Registry Specifications

[3] ebxmlrr

[4] Exploiting Semantic of Web Services through ebXML Registries

----- Original Message -----

>From: "Terry R. Payne" <>
>To: "'Jeff Lansing'" <>; <>
>Sent: Friday, August 01, 2003 12:13 PM
>Subject: RE: DAML-S and UDDI
>>Yes.  Will get back to you on the rest of your question, but for now,
>>check out:
>>Importing the Semantic Web in UDDI
>>Paolucci, M. and Kawamura, T. and Payne, T.R. and Sycara, K. (2002)
>>Importing the Semantic Web in UDDI. In Bussler, C. and Hull, R. and
>>McIlraith, S. and Orlowska, M.E. and Pernici, B. and Yang, J., Eds.
>>Proceedings Web Services, E-Business and Semantic Web Workshop, CAiSE
>>2002., pages 225-236, Toronto, Canada.
>>Terry R. Payne, PhD.      |
>>University of Southampton | Voice: +44(0)23 8059 8343 [Fax: 8059 2865]
>>Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK | Email: /
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: [] On Behalf
>>>Jeff Lansing
>>>Sent: 01 August 2003 17:07
>>>Subject: DAML-S and UDDI
>>>Has anyone proposed a mapping for storing DAML-S in a UDDI registry?
>>>is this just a totally bad idea, that I haven't seen why it is such,
>>>My thought was: Hey, if web services is UDDI + SOAP + WSDL (and,
>>>implicitly, if you believe the hype, that's all it is), and we know
>>>you can't even begin to figure out what a service does from its WSDL,
>>>then why not.

Received on Friday, 1 August 2003 15:33:46 UTC