Re: SOAP services as database query interfaces / SOAP design patterns?

On Tue, 19 Nov 2002, Jean-Jacques Moreau wrote:
> Dan,
> There are now a couple of examples of SOAP features[1,2,3]. I
> don't quite think they would qualify as a Policy as defined by
> WS-Arch. However, Glen Daniels recently gave a presentation[4] on
> features to WS-Arch.

Thanks. Glen's slides were useful. It seems that SOAP features are (to
quote Glen) "Arbitrary pieces of semantics / functionality". Some (but not
all) features seem to be close to the WS-Arch's notion of a Policy.

Policy per
"...may be used by the over-arching concerns: security, quality of
service, and management; as well as higher layers of the description stack.".

This doesn't use a Policy as a noun, ie. it doesn't talk about
URI-identified _policies_. Instead it talks about a "policy description
layer" which relates to "the additional description necessary to specify
the business context, qualities of service, security requirements and
offerings, and management requirements."
So the working draft as it stands does not invite us to ask whether there
are some things that are Features but that aren't Policies, whether
there are _any_ things that are both Features and Policies etc etc.

From the description above, the two do seem to be close, but described in
different terms...


> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]

Received on Tuesday, 19 November 2002 13:04:23 UTC