Re: SOAP services as database query interfaces / SOAP design patterns?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dan Brickley" <>

> My interest is in cataloguing these services, regardless of the mechanics
> of interaction with them. I suspect that doing so will help make the case
> for careful use of HTTP GET. Once it is easier to find such services (or
> 'web sites', as we used to call them) it'll be easier to mechanically
> generate links into them, which in turn might encourage deployment of
> GETable interfaces.

What would happen if the HTML <FORM> was annotated with type information?

For example, could indicate the acceptable values for input
fields. Crawl the web and find all GET based forms that accept zip codes.
You could annotate the FORM with the semantic meaning of the result as well
(the specific media format would be indicated in a live response - but maybe
you might list the potential content-type responses supported) to build up
better service descriptions.

--- ---
<FORM ACTION="/search/search" METHOD="get">
<INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="where" value='98034'

Received on Tuesday, 19 November 2002 12:56:12 UTC