Proposed text for HTTP Transfer Coding (CR055)

I have an action item for CR055 to propose some new text for Part 2 Section
6.8.2. based on a mailing list thread [1] I started on May 26th 2006 to
clarify the way {http transfer coding} and {http transfer coding default}
are described. My proposal follows, based on responses from Jacek on June
8th & 9th.

6.8.2 Relationship to WSDL Component Model

The HTTP binding extension specification adds the following properties to
the WSDL component model (as defined in [WSDL 2.0 Core


   {http transfer coding default} OPTIONAL. A *xs:string* to the
This property indicates the default transfer codings available
   for all Binding Message
   Fault <>components
of this

   {http transfer coding default} OPTIONAL. A *xs:string* to the Binding
This property indicates the default transfer codings available
   for all Binding Message
of this Binding

   {http transfer coding} OPTIONAL. A *xs:string* to the Binding Message
This property indicates the transfer codings available for this
   Message Reference<>component.
If this property is not present, transfer coding for this Binding
   Message Reference defaults to the {http transfer coding default} property of
   the parent Binding Operation component and if that property is not present,
   then to the {http transfer coding default} property of the grandparent
   Binding component, if present.

   Similarly, {http transfer coding} OPTIONAL, to the Binding
If this property is not present, transfer coding for this Binding
   Fault defaults to the {http transfer coding default} property of the parent
   Binding component.

These properties are not relevant when HTTP 1.0 is used.

I think this text describes the data relationships correctly, but please
rewrite it if it doesn't conform to the style or structure conventions of
the spec.


John Kaputin
(Apache Woden developer)

Received on Wednesday, 6 September 2006 11:29:13 UTC