Re: Sample Application described in WSDL using HTTP binding and s howing messages

At 07:44 AM 6/17/2004 -0400, Mark Baker wrote:
>. . .
>Am I looking at the right version of the primer?  The only one I can
>see is dated 2003/11/05[1] and the example isn't fully fleshed out
>there.  If there's a more up to date version, I'd be happy to layout
>a fully RESTful equivalent, as Paul requests.
>  [1] 

The latest version *should* be there, but at the moment it isn't, due to a 
CVS problem that I'm working out.  ("User error" on my part.)  At present, 
the semi-latest version is at;%20charset=iso-8859-1
It is "semi-latest" because there are several changes that I made in 
parallel that need to be merged in.  (Mostly the elimination of much of the 
introductory material, because we can now just reference the WS 
Architecture document at .)

David Booth
W3C Fellow / Hewlett-Packard
Telephone: +1.617.253.1273

Received on Thursday, 17 June 2004 11:01:50 UTC