RE: Which operation?



> That's what a contract is supposed to define; there's a whole 
> bunch of metadata/signalling information out-of-band of the 
> document payload that has been methodically stripped away 
> under the banner of Web services, in the pursuit of a more 
> loosely coupled architecture.  But none of that changes the 
> part of the architecture that affects the coupling, the 
> contract (the "connector" in software architectural 
> parlance).  All it really does is make for a very poorly 
> self-descriptive messaging infrastructure with an abundance 
> of ambiguity, as we've recently been discovering.

Why do messages need to be ambiguous? I can see how you can engineer a
way of making a message ambiguous but in a real deployment messages
would (or at least should) all be different from one another. A
cancelOrder message will look different from a placeOrder message - no

You may choose to assume that the receipt of two slightly differently
populated placeOrder messages would imply an update to an order - or
whatever semantics your service decides upon. But I still can't see
anything ambiguous in this.

Having just an orderMessage and the POST and DELETE verbs achieves much
the same thing but couples you to that Web stuff.

> There is a better way!

Yes you're right - the "processThis" model [1] rocks :-)



Received on Wednesday, 16 June 2004 06:42:07 UTC