Re: optional messageReference attribute on interface definition elements

I tend to agree, but this was a painfully argument, and the result was 
in favor of simplification.  Sanjiva, perhaps you could speak to 
whether this is something that ought to be reopened?

If we reopen it, can we reopen the discussion of single interface per 

On Jan 22, 2004, at 6:07 PM, Yaron Goland wrote:

> The spec identifies one particular case in which the messageReference
> attribute is optional on interfaces. While I am all for simplification 
> I
> think in this case the optionality of the messageReference attribute 
> is more
> likely to lead to confusion about when to use it then to lead to any 
> real
> time savings on the part of the WSDL writer. As such I would recommend 
> that
> for both consistent and clarity we make it mandatory in all scenarios.
> 	Thanks,
> 		Yaron

Received on Friday, 23 January 2004 11:48:35 UTC