Re: Simplified WSDL Syntax

+1. We need to finish our abstract language and the XML serialization
and be done with it. If some other WG or whatever wants to do their
own serialization power to them.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Prasad Yendluri" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2004 11:29 AM
Subject: Re: Simplified WSDL Syntax

>  I tend to agree. IMO any simplification is better accomplished via 
> things that assume defaults when not specified, rather than inventing an 
> entirely new syntax for the simplification. Perhaps it is worth looking 
> at the work done so far from this angle and keeping this in perspective 
> for work to be done. Lets also keep in perspective the complexity of 
> tool implementations that need to handle disparate syntax that represent 
> the same descriptions. Things like determining the equivalence of two 
> WSDLs would get complicated if the syntax is not meshed properly.
> Prasad
> Amelia A Lewis wrote:
> >I can see a use for simplified syntax, but do not see that this is in
> >the charter of the WG to produce as normative.  A useful comparison may
> >be drawn with the Relax NG compact syntax, which was promoted following
> >the publication of the canonical (XML) syntax, and is only now in
> >process of official-ization (it's a de facto standard already; the best
> >kind).
> >
> >I'm not terribly thrilled with this particular implementation of
> >simplification either, but that's rather beside the point.  I think such
> >a syntax may have value, but that
> >1) it ought to wait for the stabilization of the canonical syntax
> >2) it ought to be worked out and agreed upon externally to the working
> >group core, not taken as one of the deliverables per charter
> >
> >I'm particularly uncomfortable with the use of significant whitespace,
> >btw.  Python does it well; other examples (make is a notorious one) do
> >it very badly.
> >
> >Amy!
> >On Tue, 20 Jan 2004 16:53:54 -0800
> >Yaron Goland <> wrote:
> >
> >  
> >
> >>
> >>This letter proposes three new features for WSDL 2.0 intended to make
> >>it much easier for users to directly interact with WSDL definitions.
> >>The first feature allows for the use of inclusion by value as an
> >>addition to WSDL 2.0's current standard mechanism of inclusion by
> >>reference. The second feature provides simplified elements that can be
> >>used to describe common WSDL scenarios. The third feature provides a
> >>simplified serialization for the WSDL 2.0 infoset that makes WSDLs
> >>easier to read and write.
> >>
> >>
> >>Below is probably the simplest real world WSDL I could come up with.
> >>
> >><definitions targetNamespace=""
> >>                     xmlns:my="">
> >>   <types>
> >>      <xs:schema targetNamespace="">
> >>         <xs:element name="in" type="xs:string"/>
> >>      </xs:schema>
> >>   </types>
> >>   <interface name="aninterface">
> >>      <operation name="anoperation"
> >>pattern="">
> >>         <input message="my:in"/>
> >>      </operation>
> >>   </interface>
> >>   <binding name="abinding" interface="my:aninterface">
> >>      <wsoap:binding protocol="http://whateveritis"/>
> >>   </binding>
> >>   <service name="aservice" interface="my:aninterface">
> >>      <endpoint name="anendpoint" binding="my:abinding">
> >>         <wsoap:address address=""/>
> >>      </endpoint>
> >>   </service>
> >></definitions>
> >>
> >>The previous WSDL has a single in-only operation that is bound to
> >>SOAP. It took 11 Elements & 14 attributes to define this, if one
> >>ignores the contents of the xs:schema element. Each element and
> >>attribute represents a choice that the WSDL designer had to make for a
> >>total of 25 decisions.
> >>
> >>A lot of the complexity in designing a WSDL comes from WSDL's
> >>flexibility. Flexibility is a good thing but it isn't something one
> >>should be forced to pay for when one doesn't need it. Put another way,
> >>a good design rule is that one should only pay the cost for the
> >>features one needs.
> >>
> >>
> >>One basic flexibility that leads to a lot of cost is inclusion by
> >>reference. In many cases the separation between service, binding and
> >>interface definitions in a WSDL are really artificial. That is, the
> >>definitions will only be used with each other so the flexibility of
> >>by-reference inclusion adds complexity without benefit.
> >>
> >>Therefore it would seem reasonable to allow implementers a choice
> >>between including information by reference or by value.
> >>
> >>
> >>In addition our experience with WSDL 1.1 shows that a vast majority of
> >>features are not used in a vast majority of circumstances. This is not
> >>an argument to remove the minority features. The extensibility they
> >>represent is important for WSDL to be able to grow and when they are
> >>needed they are badly needed. But, requiring everyone, everywhere to
> >>pay the full complexity of these features when they don't need them
> >>seems unfair. Therefore I think it would be a reasonable act on the
> >>part of the working group to provide certain shortened forms for very
> >>common scenarios. For example, a WSDL interface containing nothing but
> >>in-out and in-only and bound to SOAP is likely to be a hugely common
> >>scenario for the immediate future. So why not provide a short cut that
> >>would make it easier to read and write such common patterns?
> >>
> >>Below I give an example of a WSDL defined using a combination of
> >>by-value and simplified patterns for common usage scenarios.
> >>
> >><definitions targetNamespace=""
> >>                     xmlns:my="">
> >>   <service name="my:service">
> >>      <interface>
> >>         <soapinoperation protocol="http://whateveritis">
> >>            <inmessage>
> >>               <xs:schema targetNamespace="">
> >>                  <xs:element name="in" type="xs:string"/>
> >>               </xs:schema>
> >>            </inmessage>
> >>         </soapinoperation>
> >>      </interface>
> >>      <soapendpoint address=""/>
> >>   </service>
> >></definitions>
> >>
> >>7 elements and 6 attributes = 13 decisions (ignoring the contents of
> >>the xs:schema element)
> >>
> >>This is a 48% reduction in complexity. The inevitable cost for
> >>reducing complexity is a reduction in choice but given that the
> >>previous, if we threw in in-out, represents the 80% case for Web
> >>Service WSDLs this seems a reasonable price to pay.
> >>
> >>
> >>There is another step we can take, inspired by XQUERY, which is to
> >>provide an alternate serialization to XML. Since WSDL is defined at
> >>the InfoSet level providing such an alternate serialization is not a
> >>major challenge.
> >>
> >>definitions targetNamespace = ""/
> >>                   xmlns:my = ""
> >>   service name="my:service"
> >>      interface
> >>         soapinoperation protocol="http://whateveritis"
> >>            inmessage
> >>               xs:schema targetNamespace = ""
> >>                  <xs:element name="in" type="xs:string/>
> >>      soapendpoint address=""
> >>
> >>The previous uses a strict positional system to encode element names.
> >>3 spaces equal one 'level'. So you know that soapin is a child of
> >>interface because soapin is 3 space farther in than interface. WSDL
> >>responds well to such a system because most elements have relatively
> >>little content. For some things, such as schema, one probably wants to
> >>just use XML and so that is made possible. A simple encoding rule,
> >>that any child that starts with < is XML, makes it trivial to mix XML
> >>and non-XML content.
> >>
> >>Even the fully verbose WSDL benefits in terms of readability from this
> >>encoding:
> >>
> >>definitions targetNamespace=""/
> >>                  xmlns:my=""
> >>   types
> >>      xs:schema targetNamespace=""
> >>         <xs:element name="in" type="xs:string"/>
> >>
> >>   interface name="aninterface"
> >>      operation name="anoperation"/
> >>                      pattern=""
> >>         input message="my:in"
> >>
> >>   binding name="abinding" interface="my:aninterface"
> >>      wsoap:binding protocol="http://whateveritis"
> >>
> >>   service name="aservice" interface="my:aninterface"
> >>      endpoint name="anendpoint" binding="my:abinding"
> >>         wsoap:address address=""
> >>
> >>
> >>It is fair to ask - why do we care? What's the big deal of cutting the
> >>number of attributes and elements in half? Byte bloat can't be that
> >>big a deal, can it?
> >>
> >>The answer is that our experience with WSDL 1.1 worries us deeply. We
> >>have found that the majority of our customers cannot read or write a
> >>WSDL, not even with a tool. The result is that customers are generally
> >>unwilling to use WSDL outside of the very specific scenario of
> >>RPC/Encoded where they treat WSDL as an opaque IDL definition.
> >>
> >>We firmly believe that for Web Services to meet its promise users must
> >>start to build loosely coupled/large grained messages and for that to
> >>happen users must become comfortable with WSDL.
> >>
> >>Therefore we believe it is crucial that normal users in normal
> >>circumstances be able to both read and write WSDLs so that they will
> >>feel comfortable in leaving behind RPC and moving towards real loose
> >>coupling and large grained messaging.
> >>    
> >>

Received on Thursday, 22 January 2004 14:04:14 UTC