XML Schema PER review

in fulfilment of my AI from last weeks telcon i've read the 
latest XML Schema PER.

This is a 2nd edition of the schema 1.0 specification and
only contains changes in response to errata found in the 1st edition.
From the POV of WSDL 2.0, there nothing to report.

There are clarifications in the sizes and format of datatypes which 
might be of interest to Web service implementers, in particular to 
the base64 encoding in part 2[1] and the sizes of predefined types 
in the primer[2].

I did, however, find some of it very difficult to read, in particular
the following new paragraph is a little beyond my comprehension:

If the type definition resolved to by the actual value of the base 
[attribute] is a complex type definition whose own {content type} is 
mixed and a particle which is emptiable, as defined in Particle 
Emptiable (§3.9.6) and the <restriction> alternative is chosen, then 
starting from the simple type definition corresponding to the 
<simpleType> among the [children] of <restriction> (which must be 
present) a simple type definition which restricts that simple type 
definition with a set of facet components corresponding to the 
appropriate element information items among the <restriction>'s 
[children] (i.e. those which specify facets, if any), as defined in 
Simple Type Restriction (Facets) (§3.14.6);


Paul Sumner Downey
Web Services Integration
BT Exact

1st edition errata:

2nd edition PER Primer (Part 0) (diffed version):

2nd edition PER Structures (Part 1) (diffed version):

2nd edition PER Datatypes (Part 2) (diffed version):

[1] base64binary clarification:

[2] simple types (primer):

Received on Thursday, 1 April 2004 12:04:41 UTC