RE: Can one inline schema import definitions from a second inli ne schema?



	Sent: 22 October 2003 18:45
	To: 'Umit Yalcinalp'; Jonathan Marsh
	Subject: RE: Can one inline schema import definitions from a
second inli ne schema?
	From my recollection of the discussion in the WS-I group, the
case where the two schemas are in the same WSDL document was not brought
up to consider. So I don't think R2004 was designed with he intend to
prevent this. It was written with the intent to prevent importing a
schema that is inlined in another WSDL document. I agree that the
current wording in the profile has the effect of forbidding it even if
it is the same WSDL document but I don't think this was intentional. The
WS-I BP group hasn't taken an explicit position one way or the other on
this and now that Jonathan has brought it up in WS-I the BP group should
be free to create an errata if it decides that importing between schemas
defined in the same WSDL doc is OK. Which I think should be the case.

		-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Umit Yalcinalp
		Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 6:36 PM
		To: Jonathan Marsh
		Subject: Re: Can one inline schema import definitions
from a second inline schema?

		Jonathan Marsh wrote:

			I've raised a question on the intent of R2004 in
the BP - I had assumed it was focused on ensuring the right version of
Schema was used, and it may be that disallowing imports between multiple
inline schemas is an unintended side-effect of the language.

		My BP resources indicate that the intention was to
disallow importing of an inlined schema from a WSDL document. This
definitely covers disallowing imports between inline schemas because the
importing document is WSDL and the schema imported is inlined in a WSDL
document (whose document root is not schema). In this specific case
(just like the base method of a recursive function call :-)), the WSDL
documents happen to be the same. Therefore, I conclude that this case is
completely forbidden R2004. 




[] On Behalf Of Anne Thomas Manes
			Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2003 5:46 AM
			To: Martin Gudgin;
			Subject: RE: Can one inline schema import
definitions from a second inline schema?


			Regarding xs:import location pointing to a file
with <schema> root element:
			I don't believe that the schema spec requires
that, but the WS-I BP does. R2004:

			5.1.2 WSDL and Schema Import

			Some examples in WSDL 1.1 incorrectly show the
WSDL import statement being used to import XML Schema definitions. The
Profile clarifies use of the import mechanisms to keep them consistent
and confined to their respective domains. Imported schema documents are
also constrained by XML version and encoding requirements consistent to
those of the importing WSDL documents. 
			R2001 A DESCRIPTION MUST only use the WSDL
"import" statement to import another WSDL description. 
			R2002 To import XML Schema Definitions, a
DESCRIPTION MUST use the XML Schema "import" statement. 
			R2003 A DESCRIPTION MUST use the XML Schema
"import" statement only within the xsd:schema element of the types
			R2004 A DESCRIPTION MUST NOT use the XML Schema
"import" statement to import a Schema from any document whose root
element is not "schema" from the namespace
			At 06:10 AM 10/18/2003, you wrote:

			> -----Original Message-----
			> From: Lawrence Mandel
			> Sent: 17 October 2003 19:08
			> To: Amelia A. Lewis
			> Cc: Arthur Ryman; Martin Gudgin;; 
			> Subject: Re: Can one inline schema import
definitions from a 
			> second inline schema?
			> I agree that using the schema language as
intended is the best option.
			> However, the xs:import element was not
designed with the idea 
			> of importing a schema that is located in the
same physical 
			> file as the schema that is importing it.
Existing schema 
			> processors do not know how to resolve inline
schemas by 
			> default and will have to be configured to do
			Why? If I were a WSDL processor, I'd just load
up my favorite schema
			processor and pass it the two schema elements.
			> Not 
			> clarifying the correct way to import an inline
schema will 
			> result in different takes on how to import an
inline schema. 
			XML Schema already deals with this by allowing
xs:import with no
			> This is a potential interoperability problem
that can be 
			> addressed at the WSDL specification level
(rather then 
			> leaving this for the WS-I Basic Profile). If
this is not 
			> clarified, what will it mean if someone has an
			> statement such as
			> <xs:import namespace="http://mynamespace"
			> schemaLocation="mywsdl.wsdl"/>
			I seem to remember the schema spec saying
something about a
			schemaLocation resolving to something with
<xs:schema> as its top-level
			element. Anyone else have a similar
			> Will that resolve http://mynamespace
<http://mynamespace/>  to another inline 
			> schema? Will the following be valid?
			> <xs:import namespace="http://mynamespace"
			> schemaLocation="http://mynamespace
<http://mynamespace/> "/>
			A schema processor is at liberty to ignore
schemaLocation on import, so
			this could resolve locally.
			> Or is the correct way
			> <xs:import namespace="http://mynamespace
<http://mynamespace/> "/>
			All the above are legal. Only the latter would
resolve to 'a schema the
			schema processor got by some unknown mechanism'
( i.e. another inline
			schema )
			> I tend to think that not including a
schemaLocation is the 
			> correct way but there is currently nothing
that will prevent 
			> others from using one of the other two import
			> Because WSDL is using XML Schema in a way that
it was not 
			> intended to be used 
			Who says? I think this was absolutely one of the
ways schema was
			intended to be used.
			> the WSDL specification should make 
			> clarifications to XML Schema where needed.
			> Alternatively, if the goal is to use XML
Schema as it was 
			> designed, 
			XML Schema was designed to allow a schema
processor to construct a
			schema in any way it saw fit. External
documents, element nodes from a
			DOM etc.
			> inline schemas should not be allowed at all
and all 
			> schemas should be defined in external
documents and imported 
			> into WSDL documents. This approach will
maintain the 
			> independence and integrity of XML Schema and
reduce the 
			> amount of clarifications the WSDL
specification needs to make 
			> as a result of using XML Schema internally in
WSDL documents.
			I'm still not convinced any such clarification
is necessary
			> Comments?
			> Lawrence Mandel
			> Software Developer
			> WebSphere Studio Application Developer - XML
			> Phone: 905 - 413 - 3814   Fax: 905 - 413 -

			>              "Amelia A. Lewis"

			>              <

			>              >

			>           To 
			>              10/17/2003 12:03

			>           cc 
			>              PM, 
			>, Arthur      
			> Ryman/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA, Lawrence   
			> Mandel/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA,           

			>      Subject 
			>                                        Re: Can
one inline 
			> schema import    
definitions from a 
			> second inline    
			>                                        schema?







			> Do we need to do so?
			> The current language of the specification
seems fairly 
			> straightforward.
			> We permit, as immediate children of types,
when W3C XML 
			> Schema is used (and it is the only schema
language required 
			> to be supported by all WSDL processors), both
xs:schema and 
			> xs:import.  We *do not* constrain the
semantics of these 
			> child elements, except to change
@targetNamespace to REQUIRED 
			> (for embedded and imported schemata both).
			> We should not, in my opinion, overconstrain
W3C XML Schema.  
			> We have already forbidden the use of chameleon
			> which removes an enormous burden on
processors; support for 
			> that [mis?]feature would have placed an
unacceptable burden 
			> on the WSDL processor, since we would have had
to define the 
			> semantics of chameleon schemata in a context
			> anticipated (the idea that a WSDL
targetNamespace could apply 
			> to an imported/embedded schema makes for all
sorts of really 
			> interesting and sometimes quite surprising
			> In so far as is possible, we should *not*
change semantics of 
			> W3C XML Schema, in my opinion.  The value of
requiring it as 
			> a supported schema language lies in the re-use
of existing 
			> schema processors.  If we begin to place
further constraints 
			> upon it, it stops being the language supported
by existing 
			> processors, and requires a whole new
generation of processors 
			> customized for schema-in-WSDL-context.
			> The idea behind embedding and importing
schema, as I 
			> understand it, is to rule that whole complex
area *out of 
			> scope* for the WSD WG.  Writing a schema
language is *hard*, 
			> we need to reuse, not reinvent, and not
revise.  This allows 
			> us to focus on what we [should?] do best.
			> Amy!
			> On Fri, 17 Oct 2003 16:39:32 +0100
			> wrote:
			> >
			> > isn't this an issue about how multiple
inline schemas reference each
			> > other in a   single WSDL document ?
			> >
			> > AIUI it's just a matter of formally stating
what appears to be a 
			> > common practice.
			> >
			> > Paul
			> >
			> > -----Original Message-----
			> > From: Martin Gudgin
			> > Sent: 17 October 2003 16:36
			> > To: Downey,PS,Paul,XSJ67A C;; 
			> > Cc:;; 
			> > Subject: RE: Can one inline schema import
definitions from a second 
			> > inline schema?
			> >
			> >
			> > Given that xs:import is defined by XML
Schema and NOT WSDL, I don't 
			> > see how WSDL can really constrain it in any
			> >
			> > Gudge
			> >
			> > > -----Original Message-----
			> > > From:
			> > > Sent: 17 October 2003 16:35
			> > > To:; Martin Gudgin;
			> > > Cc:;; 
			> > > Subject: RE:
Can one inline 
			> schema import 
			> > > definitions from a second inline schema?
			> > >
			> > > i don't think the BP doesn't preclude more
than 1 schema 
			> within the 
			> > > types section - though i couldn't see
anything about referencing 
			> > > between inline schemas.
			> > >
			> > > FWIW, quite a few existing kits (including
.NET) will 
			> generate WSDL 
			> > > 1.1 with multiple inline schemas which
reference each other using 
			> > > <import namespace="blah"> - with a missing
schemaLocation ..
			> > >
			> > > maybe the anonymous schemaLocation should
be supported/precluded 
			> > > explicitly in WSDL 1.2 ?
			> > >
			> > >
			> > > --
			> > > Paul Sumner Downey
			> > > Web Services Integration
			> > > BT Exact
			> > >
			> > >
			> > >
			> > >
			> > > -----Original Message-----
			> > > From: Sanjiva Weerawarana
			> > > Sent: 17 October 2003 16:02
			> > > To: Martin Gudgin; Arthur Ryman
			> > > Cc: Lawrence Mandel;; 
			> > > Subject: Re: Can one inline schema import
			> from a second 
			> > > inline schema?
			> > >
			> > >
			> > >
			> > > Didn't we discuss this a while back and
say only *1* 
			> schema within 
			> > > <types>?? Or maybe that WSI BP that does
			> > >
			> > > Sanjiva.
			> > >
			> > > ----- Original Message -----
			> > > From: "Arthur Ryman" <>
			> > > To: "Martin Gudgin"
<> <> 
			> > > Cc: "Lawrence Mandel"
<>; <>; 
			> > > <>
			> > > Sent: Friday, October 17, 2003 7:56 PM
			> > > Subject: RE: Can one inline schema import
			> from a second 
			> > > inline schema?
			> > >
			> > >
			> > > > Gudge,
			> > > >
			> > > > I agree to some extent, but AFAIK, WSDL
is the only application 
			> > > > that inlines <schema>. I think the XSD
spec assumes you have a
			> > > single <schema>
			> > > > per document, i.e. <schema> is the root
element. So
			> > > processing not one,
			> > > > but two or more inline schemas is a bit
of a shock for your
			> > > typical XSD
			> > > > processor. So probably the "reasonable"
behavior you 
			> describe is 
			> > > > undefined.
			> > > >
			> > > > I think it would promote
interoperability if the WSDL 1.2
			> > > was clear on
			> > > > this point, one way or the other. From
your response, I
			> > > assume you would
			> > > > support the use of more than one inline
<schema> in the
			> > > <types> element.
			> > > >
			> > > > Arthur Ryman
			> > > >
			> > > >
			> > > >
			> > > >
			> > > > "Martin Gudgin" <>
<>  Sent by: 
			> > > >
			> > > > 10/17/2003 06:17 AM
			> > > >
			> > > >
			> > > >         To:     Lawrence
			> > > <>
			> > > >         cc:
			> > > >         Subject:        RE: Can one
inline schema import
			> > > definitions from
			> > > a second inline schema?
			> > > >
			> > > >
			> > > >
			> > > >
			> > > > To be frank, I think this has very
little to do with 
			> WSDL. It is 
			> > > > perfectly coherent for a schema
processor, on encountering
			> > > <xsd:import
			> > > > namespace='http://namespace1' /> to say
to itself, ah, I
			> > > have a schema
			> > > > for that namespace, I'll use that here.
Likewise, when it 
			> > > > encounters<xsd:import
namespace='http://namespace2 <http://namespace2/> ' /> it would 
			> > > > say,
			> > > ah, not seen
			> > > > that namespace yet, I'll wait and see
what happens.
			> > > >
			> > > > Gudge
			> > > >
			> > > > > -----Original Message-----
			> > > > > From: 
			> > > > > [] On
Behalf Of 
			> Lawrence Mandel
			> > > > > Sent: 16 October 2003 23:19
			> > > > > To:
			> > > > > Subject: Can one inline schema import
			> from a second 
			> > > > > inline schema?
			> > > > >
			> > > > >
			> > > > >
			> > > > >
			> > > > >
			> > > > >
			> > > > > Hello,
			> > > > >
			> > > > > We have customers that do the
following in WSDL 1.1:
			> > > > >
			> > > > > <types>
			> > > > >  <schema
targetNamespace="http://namespace1" <http://namespace1>  xmlns= 
			> > > > > ""
			> > > > > xmlns:two="http://namespace2
<http://namespace2/> ">
			> > > > >    <import
namespace="http://namespace2 <http://namespace2/> "/>
			> > > > >    <complexType name="myComplexType">
			> > > > >     <sequence>
			> > > > >      <element name="myElement"
			> > > > >     </sequence>
			> > > > >    </complexType>
			> > > > >    <complexType name="A">
			> > > > >     <sequence>
			> > > > >      <element name="elementA"
			> > > > >     </sequence>
			> > > > >    </complexType>
			> > > > >   </schema>
			> > > > >   <schema
targetNamespace="http://namespace2 <http://namespace2/> " xmlns= 
			> > > > > ""
			> > > > > xmlns:one="http://namespace1
<http://namespace1/> ">
			> > > > >    <import
namespace="http://namespace1 <http://namespace1/> "/>
			> > > > >    <complexType name="myComplexType">
			> > > > >     <sequence>
			> > > > >      <element name="myElement"
			> > > > >     </sequence>
			> > > > >    </complexType>
			> > > > >    <complexType name="B">
			> > > > >     <sequence>
			> > > > >      <element name="elementB"
			> > > > >     </sequence>
			> > > > >    </complexType>
			> > > > >   </schema>
			> > > > > </types>
			> > > > >
			> > > > > The customers say that this is not
			> forbidden by the 
			> > > > > WSDL 1.1 specification and I can't
find anything that forbids 
			> > > > > this in the WSDL 1.1 specification.
However, there 
			> is nothing 
			> > > > > in the WSDL 1.1 specification that
states how to 
			> import a schema 
			> > > > > defined in the same types section but
with a different 
			> > > > > namespace.
			> > > > >
			> > > > > Is this allowed according to the WSDL
			> specification?  If so, 
			> > > > > what is the correct way to import one
inline schema
			> > > into another?
			> > > > >
			> > > > > Thanks,
			> > > > >
			> > > > > Lawrence Mandel
			> > > > >
			> > > > > Software Developer
			> > > > > WebSphere Studio Application Developer
- XML Tools
			> > > > > Phone: 905 - 413 - 3814   Fax: 905 -
413 - 4920
			> > > > >
			> > > > >
			> > > > >
			> > > > >
			> > > >
			> > > >
			> > > >
			> > > >
			> > >
			> > >
			> > >
			> >
			> >
			> --
			> Amelia A. Lewis
			> Architect, TIBCO/Extensibility, Inc.

		Umit Yalcinalp                                  
		Consulting Member of Technical Staff
		Phone: +1 650 607 6154                          

Received on Wednesday, 22 October 2003 21:47:29 UTC