on WSDL 2.0 Part 1: Core Language, 031110

Here come my doubts and possible errors about this specification:

- WSDL components are interfaces, bindings and services.
why dont you count Operations and Endpoints as WSDL components? I tend to think 
that counting them in is easier to understand WSDL component model.
You didn't assume them as WSDL components in the following specifications. In 
fact they are in different levels. It might be better to make it clear.

- Access control of web service is to specify which parties can invoke the Web 
service. Any web service cannot be accessed unlimitedly.
 I dont know how to specify it, maybe using /feature/ and /property/ in 
/binding/ component description, but how?

- in 2.4 
Two components of the same type are considered equivalent if the values of the 
properties of one component are the same as the values of the properties in the 
second component.
Does "the properties of one component" include the property of name? If so, does 
it make sense? This definition is not so clear.

- in 3
Instances of WSDL may require support for an alternative schema language by 
using the standard wsdl:required attribute information item
What is "Instances of WSDL"?

By design, WSDL supports any schema language for which the syntax and semantics 
of import or embed have been defined.
What is meaning of "embed"? does it mean "include" of namespace? If so, why dont 
you use "include/inclusion" instead?


a container for two categories of component--> (component ->components)

drawn from some type system--> (system--> systems)

The former define the [local name], -->(define-->defines) 

the latter define only the [children] and --> (define-->defines)

However, different kids of components (e.g., --> (kids--> kinds of) 

The purpose of a Fault Reference component is to associate an actual message 
type (XML element declaration) for-->(for-->with)

Service are named constructs and can be referred to by QName --> 

interface="xs:QName"  -->add ">" in the end
The interface attribute information item identifies the interface that the 
service is an instantiation of. --> (instantiation-->instance)

</service>--> add "+" in the end

one for each top-level component type (Interface, Binding and Service).--> 

all names, that is the combination of {name} and {target namespace} properties, 
are--> delete "that is"

If the appropriate property of the Definitions component does not contains a 
component -->(contains-->contain)

Support for the W3C XML Schema Description Language [XML Schema: 
Structures],[XML Schema: Datatypes] is required of all processors.-->
Support for W3C XML Schema [XML Schema: Structures] and [XML Schema: Datatypes] 
is required of all processors.

Since it is unreasonable to expect that a single schema language can be used to 
describe all possible Message Reference and Fault Reference component content 
and their constraints, WSDL allows alternate schema languages to be specified 
via extensibility elements.-->
(content-->contents   to be specified-->to be applied)

These example reuse the {element declarations} --> (example-->examples)

a WSDL description cannot refer to components in a namespace other that the 
target namespace -->(that-->than)

The location attribute information item is optional to allow WSDL components to 
be constructed from information other than serialized XML 1.0 and to allow for 
WSDL processors that have a priori knowledge of certain namespaces.
what do you mean?

Extensibility elements are commonly used to specify some technology specific 
binding. --> (binding-->bindings)

Yuxiao Zhao
Address: Dept.of Computer and Info. Science
         Linköping University
         S-581 83, Sweden
    Tel: 046-13-284496
  Email: yuxzh@ida.liu.se

Received on Friday, 14 November 2003 12:26:21 UTC