Agenda for 16 January 2003 WS Description WG

0.  Dial in information (members only) [.1]:

See the public WG page [.2] for pointers to current documents and other
information, and the private page [.3] for administrative matters. 

If you have additions to the agenda, please email them to the WG list
before the start of the telcon.



1.  Assign scribe.  Lucky minute taker for this week is:
      Steve Tuecke (fallbacks Sandeep Kumar, Sanjiva Weerawarana, 
      Steve Lind, Jeff Mischkinsky, Waqar Sadiq, Igor Sedukhin)

2. Welcome new members
      - Steven White of SeeBeyond
      - Umit Yalcinalp of Oracle replacing Joyce Yang

3.  Approval of minutes of Jan 9 telcon [.1]
- Is this one correctly marked as DONE?  "ACTION: 2002-11-12: Paco will
write two options for naming faults: schema vs WSDL."
- Was "ACTION: Gudge and Sanjiva to prepare in time for the f2f a draft
of the abstract model for interactions" replaced by "ACTION: Sanjiva to
write an email to describe the two proposals for the syntax and their
mapping to the abstract model" ?
- Dietmar sent belated regrets.


4.  Review of Action items [.1].
?         2002-11-12: Paco will write two options for naming faults: 
                      schema vs WSDL.
?         2002-11-12: Roberto will try and come up with another proposal
                      for eliminating message, the discussion goes to 
                      email or the next f2f.
?         2002-11-21: Don Mullen to detail changes/addition necessary to
                      unify SOAP and WSDL MEPs.
?         2002-11-21: Jonathan to refer R120 text to TAG, referencing
                      TAG issue fragmentinXML-28, when that text
                      appears in the draft.
?         2002-12-05: Glen to write up a description of the issues
                      surrounding property description in WSDL. (This 
                      action replaces Glen's previous action item.) 
PENDING   2002-12-19: Jonathan to find material proposing restricting
                      services to a single portType.
FAILED    2002-12-19: JM to find volunteers for writing MEP's for
                      input/output and output/input
?         2002-12-19: Jacek to write up text on SOAP response MEP after 
                      Don send his proposal for requrest/response MEP
DONE [.2] 2003-01-09: Glen to email Jonathan to schedule F2F time to 
                      discuss property description issues.
?         2003-01-09: Editors to have a draft ready a week from
?         2003-01-09: Gudge and sanjiva to prepare in time for the f2f a
                      draft of the abstract model for interactions.
DONE [.3] 2003-01-09: Sanjiva to write an email to describe the two
                      proposals for the syntax and their mapping to the 
                      abstract model.


5.  Administrivia
  a. Jan FTF First draft agenda [.1]
  b. Register for March FTF [.2]
  c. Jan 23rd telcon (immediately after FTF) cancelled.


6. Publication issues
  a. Status of new drafts?

7.  New Issues.  Merged issues list [.1].
  a. Jacek's comments about Schema NUNs [.1]?


7.  Proposal: MEP support in operations [.1].  Sanjiva's latest proposal


8.  Output operations.
      Dependent upon MEPs.

9.  Properties and features.
      Glen's slice [.1].  Amy's revised proposal [.2]


10. Removing message.  Roberto's proposal at [.1].

Waiting revised proposal from Roberto.  Direction suggested by Dale [.2]


11. HTTP Binding Issues (6a, 41)
    Jeffrey recommends no change [.1].
    Sanjiva is mulling this over [.2].
    Dependent upon Glen's feature/property proposal.


12. BindingType proposal from Kevin [.1].
      Awaiting further work on Part 2 AM.


13. Issue 28: transport='uri' [.1]
    Dependent upon Glen's feature/property proposal.


14. Issue 2: SOAPAction has been deprecated, as of SOAP 1.2 [.1].
    Jean-Jacques proposal at [.2].
    Jacek's addendum at [.3].
    Dependent upon Glen's feature/property proposal.


15. Issue 25: Interaction between W3C XML Schema and SOAP Data Model 
    Gudge's explains at [.1], Roberto's options at [.2].
    Waiting for more detail in ACM?


- Jonathan

Received on Wednesday, 15 January 2003 13:46:34 UTC