Re: DR020 [was requirements]

Jeffrey Schlimmer wrote:

>Can you clarify a bit on requirement DR020 (using the numbers our chair
>assigned)? Is this a change tracking scenario (where you want to be able
>to detect changes from one version of a description to another)?
>Concerned about enabling tools that catalog / compare descriptions? 
As WSDL docs may evolve over time, it should be simple for a user to 
track differences between the user's copy and a newly published version 
of the same WSDL doc. The user should know (if it can and) how to adapt 
to the new version of the WSDL doc.
Also, several providers can provide basically the same service with 
slight differences (like changing the protocol from HTTP to SOAP, extend 
a portType with  a new operation...). It should be easy for a user to 
compare these docs, especially at the operation level.

In the same way, some bindings (like request/response over SOAP) may 
become very widespread. If a WSDL doc could specify somewhere its 
default behavior for those items, theWSDL doc will become easier to 
read, parse and compare.

>Are you thinking of a canonical form so the description can be signed?
Not really, however it migth worth being investigated...


Received on Thursday, 14 February 2002 04:31:59 UTC