- From: Web Services Challenge 2007 <wsctokyo07@gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2007 17:33:39 -0500
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Call for Participation in the 2007 Web Services Challenge in conjunction with The IEEE International Conference on e-Technology, e-Commerce, and e-Services (EEE'07) and the IEEE International Conference on Electronic Commerce (CEC'07) July 23-26, 2007, Tokyo, Japan Overview The Web Services Challenge (WS-Challenge) is a venue where researchers can collaborate on web service composition tools and techniques. The competition solicits industry and academic researchers that develop software components and/or intelligent agents that have the ability to discover pertinent web services and also compose them to create higher-level functionality. The 2007 Web Services Challenge is the 4th challenge and will be co-located with the 2007 Conference on Electronic Commerce and the Conference on Enterprise Computing, E-Commerce and E-Services (CEC/EEE 2007). This fourth competition is more narrowly defined than that of the last year, which included both syntactic and semantic matching of WSDL part names. This year, the competition will focus exclusively on semantic composition of web service chains. Since formalisms for representing semantics of services are quite complex and several different proposals/approaches exist, this competition adheres to a traditional approach, leveraging classical XML standards. Input/Output messages of the service descriptions will be semantically linked via inheritance relationships implemented using complex XML Schema types. The participants will be required to determine relations between different types during the process of service composition. The WS-Challenge invites the participation of students and researchers addressing the composition challenge stated above, with details posted on the Web Services Challenge website. The competition entails the submission of a four-page description of the approach to be submitted in early 2007. Papers should be formatted according to the IEEE Conference Publishing Services guidelines <http://tinyurl.com/psg2o>, in an 8.5" x 11" two-column layout. After a peer-review process, the technical descriptions will be included in the conference proceedings of the joint conference. As a next step later in the spring of 2007, the participants will be required to provide a preliminary version of their software for a pre-competition evaluation stage. The pre-competition evaluation is required in order for teams to participate in the challenge taking place during the conference. Competition and technical details are available at: <http://www.ws-challenge.org/wsc07/> Finally, the 2007 WS-Challenge will be awarding student scholarships in order to encourage and support participation by U.S.-based student teams. These awards will cover the expenses of travel, hotel accommodations, meals, and conference registration for those who would otherwise be unable to attend. These travel awards are sponsored by the National Science Foundation; teams from all U.S. colleges are eligible to apply. More information can be found at: <http://www.ws-challenge.org/wsc07/travel.html> Important Dates: March 31, 2007 - Submission of Technical Description (four pages, formatting conforming to IEEE CS Press Proceedings) April 15, 2007 - Notification of Acceptance of Technical Description May 1, 2007 - Final, Camera-Ready Version of Technical Description June 4, 2007 - Pre-Evaluation of Composition Software July 23-26, 2007 - Competition on Conference Site WSC Co-Chairs: M. Brian Blake Department of Computer Science Georgetown University E-mail: blakeb [at] cs.georgetown.edu Andreas Wombacher Distributed Information Systems Laboratory Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne E-mail: andreas.wombacher [at] epfl.ch Michael C. Jaeger Faculty of EE and CS Berlin University of Technology E-mail: mcj [at] cs.tu-berlin.de William K. Cheung Centre of e-Transformation Research Department of Computer Science Hong Kong Baptist University E-mail: william [at] comp.hkbu.edu.hk Submissions and inquiries should be sent to: David Cummings Research Assistant Department of Computer Science Georgetown University E-mail: wsctokyo07 [at] gmail.com
Received on Wednesday, 21 March 2007 22:34:01 UTC