RE: Requesting WSDL Files

> > I agree with Sanjiva. I don't see how WS-RF can be considered as
> > RESTful. I would say that WS-RF builds an object-oriented or
> > resource-oriented view of the world using angle brackets but I
> > call that REST. But then again... that's just me :-)
> I didn't go that far. I know your feelings about WS-RF :-) ..

Never tried to hide them :-))

> WS-RF builds a world where things have WS-Addressing EPRs. That's it.
> The rest (or the REST ;-)) of it is a figment of your imagination.

Yes, I know... I have a vivid imagination :-)

I imagine a world where an object is defined as having state, a pointer,
and an interface. Now, it's just happens that in this imaginative world,
a resource, as defined by WS-RF, has state (explicit modelling of state
outside a service's boundaries), has a pointer (the EPR), and has an
"interface" (the WSDL interface of the service providing access to it).

Now, even if the intention is not to treat resources in this manner, I
see lots and lots in the Grid community treating WS-Resources in exactly
this way.

But as I said... that's just me :-))


Received on Monday, 5 July 2004 11:43:22 UTC