RE: Typical SOA ... SOA Patterns

At 10:20 AM 2004-01-30, Champion, Mike wrote:
>I completely agree.  The problem is that it is January 30th; the WG charter
>ends tomorrow, and we are simply out of time to make *any* substantive
>changes to the Note.  (Typos, broken links, etc. can be reported and fixed
>until Wednesday, I believe).

I guess it is up to the editors to add verbiage (perhaps, or do something 
with @@) in section 4.3 [1], which now reads

4.3 Significant Unresolved Issues

@@What is the difference between an MEP and a Choreography?

@@What should be the representation returned by an HTTP "GET" on a Web 
service URI?

@@Should URIs be used to identify Web services components, rather than QNames?

@@The relationship between privacy and Web services technology needs 

@@SOAP 1.2 and this architecture introduce the concept of "intermediaries", 
but this concept is not represented in WSDL 2.0.

@@[wordsmith:] What happens if two WSDL documents define the same service?

@@The relationship between conversations, correlations and transactions and 
choreography is unclear and needs more work.

@@There is a need for consistent tracking mechanisms in Web services.

I am proposing

@@Further work on the relationships between and patterns for using Web 
services and SOA.

(Would be nice to add it if we can, but I understand if it is too late.)



Received on Friday, 30 January 2004 10:40:58 UTC