Re: Compendium of "synchronous" definitions

On Monday, March 3, 2003, at 12:10  PM, Francis McCabe wrote:
> David:
>   I would appreciate it if you could add mine to the long list:
And I would also like to include mine. Back on 2/21/03, I

   In our case, a synchronous interaction between two or more parties
   is one in which the specification of the elements of that interaction
   includes references to common clocks or temporal dependencies.

Since some people thought this sounded like a hardware spec, let me
revise it as follows:

   A message exchange pattern (MEP) is a formal description of how 
   are exchanged between two or more parties in support of some 
   purpose.  The pattern may define a single message sequence, or may
   correspond to a "family" of sequences by including repeated or nested
   sequences. An MEP is synchronous if the specification of the message
   sequence(s) includes elements in which the transmission of a message
   is dependent on either (a) the reception of some other message(s), or
   (b) coordination based on a common clock. An MEP is asynchronous
   if it includes no such dependencies.

Examples of synchronous interaction patterns under this definition are:

- turn-taking (a.k.a. request-response)
- round-robin
- token-passing
- "any objections" announcements with specific timeouts
- slotted schemes
- polling

Definitions which refer to connections, or to which "processes are
running", sound far too implementation specific.

Received on Monday, 3 March 2003 15:55:20 UTC