Applications are allowed to process SOAP header blocks (was: Messaging Service Layer)

I have to disagree. There is nothing in the SOAP specification 
that indicates that header blocks are to be processed only by the 
messaging layer and not by the application. The SOAP 
specification is mute on that aspect and is only concerned with 
what happens at a given (SOAP) node, independently of what layer 
performs the processing. Quoting section 2.6, Processing SOAP 

Process all mandatory SOAP header blocks targeted at the node 
and, in the case of an ultimate SOAP receiver, the SOAP body. A 
SOAP node MAY also choose to process non-mandatory SOAP header 
blocks targeted at it.



Cutler, Roger (RogerCutler) wrote:
> The messaging layer is in charge of what
> is in the SOAP headers, whereas the application layer is responsible for 
> the body.  More specifically, the messaging layer might mess around with 
> the body by doing things like encrypting it, but after decryption the 
> messaging layer would hand the body to the application layer of the 
> receiver exactly as the body was given to it by the sender.  The 
> messaging layer has no business changing the data in the body -- as far 
> as it is concerned the body is just bits or characters.  And I think 
> that it also has no business trying to analyze the contents of the data 
> in the body.
> If you agree with the preceding statements I think it may have 
> consequences down the line that are non-trivial.  The last statement may 
> be a bit strong, but that's the way it seems to me other layers work.

Received on Monday, 17 February 2003 03:16:49 UTC