RE: service references (was: Re: WSA diffs from REST)

You will find that this approach is quite common. For example, when you're
updating a record in the database you open a connection to the database
(service) and identify the record in the SQL statement. You can write the
application to deal with records in any database if you keep a distinction
between the record identifier and server identifier. You can also use
identifiers that have business meaning, e.g. a purchase order number,
employee number, etc.

Yes, this doesn't look consistent with other aspects of the Web or the REST
approach, that prefer that each entity have a unique address. But it does
allow you to perform various operations on objects regardless of which
service you are using. It could be today, tomorrow, but you will always operate on the same
purchase order.


Anne Thomas Manes wrote:
> Systinet WASP has supported service references for more than a year. It
> references a Web service by its WSDL port. To pass a service by reference,
> you return the URI of the WSDL port, and you return an instance ID of the
> service instance in a SOAP header. You can reconnect to the same instance
> dynamically connecting to the service (using a dynamic proxy or a DDI) and
> specifying the instance ID in the SOAP header. The WSDL file for the
> indicates what types and headers are used in the service.

I am curious why I must pass a URI and an instanceID to connect to a
service instance rather than naming each service instance by a single
resolvable URI as is done elsewhere on the Web?

Also, I'd like to hear more about the WSDL. Obviously it is trivial to
make a WSDL where a complexType "PO" is repeated or made optional
through a parent's content model:

<element name="purchase_orders">
      <element name="po" minoccurs="0" maxoccurs="20">

Can I similarly refer to *references* to purchase order *services* (or
port types)?

> It would be nice to define a standard SOAP extension to accomplish
> by reference, but I don't view it as a top priority. We had a discussion
> about service references on Apache axis-dev a while back, but it didn't go
> anywhere.

I objserve that an awareness of this issue is not widespread in the Web
Services industry. Individual web service deployers invent one-off
solutions (UDDIs, XPaths, handles) and because they do not yet care
about interoperability BETWEEN web services, they see no problem with
using home-grown solutions.

  Paul Prescod

Received on Monday, 23 September 2002 20:29:33 UTC