RE: Spec draft

I just want to be clear about what I've just sent...
It's not finished by any means, and needs considerable further polishing.  I'm hoping we can discuss the approach during the call later today, which is:
o  Start with the basic triangle diagram and explain it
o  Add some context to the diagram to show the relationship of services and operations
o  Explain the major artifiacts, roles and operations depicted in the basic illustration
o  Add an illustration of an "extended" architecture, including the "orthogonal" aspects of quality of service, management, and transactions
If this approach seems ok, or at least basically on track, we can then proceed to flesh out the extended architecture diagram.  The extended architecture is, of course, based on technologies that extend the basic architecture, consistent with the approach taken to date with Web services specifications.
A big question in all of this is the relationship of examples to the abstract discussion -- should we include more examples of technologies that are used to implement the architecture early on?  Or address that in subsequest sections in which we more completely start filling in the "boxes"?
Thanks in advance for your attention and comment.

-----Original Message-----
From: Newcomer, Eric 
Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2002 11:07 PM
Subject: Spec draft

Apologies for sending this out a bit late in the week, and for its rough shape, but I wanted to at least get a draft out before tomorrow's call.
Attached for review and comment is a zip file with an html text and three diagrams.  The draft is focused on trying to capture the consensus on the triangle diagram as a starting point for a basic Web services architecture, and the descriptions of that diagram and architecture.  It also includes a diagram and some text around what I've called the extended Web services architecture (as a placeholder anyway), which can be fleshed out as we go along.
I also incorporated a large portion of the text Heather sent along with the diagrams, excluding what seemed to be tutorial or informative text that would belong in an introductory section.
This section would replace the "bottom up architecture" section in the current editor's draft.  I did not make any other changes to the previous draft.
Talk with you tomorrow.



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Eric  <> Newcomer


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Received on Thursday, 3 October 2002 07:28:28 UTC