Re: [wss] Issue on WS-Security and WSDL definitions


I wanted to introduce myself as I am new to this group. IT is great to
be working again with so many colleagues I know from other standards

In your draft charter,  you have a liaison to the ebXML Joint
Coordination Committee (JCC).  I have been appointed as the liaison by
the JCC and have subsequently joined this group.

My name is Duane Nickull and I work for XML Global Technologies and
serve on the ebXML JCC as an appointed Technical Advisor.  I also serve
as Chair of the United Nations CEFACT eBusiness Working Group and
project team lead of the UN/CEFACT eBusiness Architecture Group. A brief
introductory BIo is attached.

Some of the liaison activites I have been tasked with by the ebXML JCC
are as follows:

1.  Participating in W3C WS* architecture related activities and keeping
abreast of directions of this group.

2.  Where applicable, forwarding suggestions (in either direction) where
this group and any relevant ebXML group may be able to align
methodologies or leverage work of the other group to help

3.  Gather and distribute information on how relevant ebXML
specifications can be used in conjunction with your architecture and or
components of the WS* stack.  

An example of this may be to use the ebXML messaging as the
communication to call a Web Service, referenced from a UDDI registry and
tie in a business level agreement (CPA) to constrain access to the WS. 
This could offer reliable, secure and persistent messaging for a WS

In general, the overall goal is to help interoperability.  We also
seeking to avoid repetition of work.  Therefore, if a solution to an
issue exists within the ebXML specifications, my mandate is to bring it
to the attention of the WSAWG and vice versa.  If a solution exists
the WSAWG I will bring it to the attention of the participants within
the ebXML TCs and PTs

The mandate is also not to try and prescribe technology but encourage
flexibility in
specifications, where applicable, to allow implementations that can make
use of a set of mixed components from both WS* and eb* related

I would also like to solicit any input into what is needed from this
group from the ebXML related set of specifications and share information
within both groups.

I believe this is the last item for me to be officially a memebr of this
group now.  With that being said,  I now join you all.


Duane Nickull

VP Strategic Relations,
Technologies Evangelist
XML Global Technologies
ebXML software downloads -

Received on Thursday, 21 November 2002 16:04:50 UTC