Re: Late binding

Mark Baker wrote,
> The Web, on the other hand, assigns the number 1 to the "give you
> something" operation, and everybody knows that,

So there _is_ a priori knowledge?

> so there's no question what number you'd say when you want something. 
> This makes it very easy for two parties that have never met to
> exchange information, which is pretty important on the Internet.

You can ask for "something" and get it, yes. But what can you do with it 
once you've got it?

As far as I can see, all you've done is moved the uncertainty 
(alternatively, the requirement for some kind of agreement or shared 
understanding) from the invocation of an operation to the 
interpretation of its result. Can you persuade us that anything very 
much has been gained?

To me it looks like you're squeezing the semantic balloon in in one 
place only to have it bulge out in another.



Received on Sunday, 30 June 2002 05:17:56 UTC