David Orchard introduction

I'm David Orchard and I will be BEA Systems representative to the web
services architecture working group.  As BEA Systems AC rep, I confirm my

I have been actively involved in W3C and other standards forums for 4 years.
I am the W3C lead for BEA Systems, focusing on web services standards and
web services product strategy. I am a member of the W3C Technical
Architecture Group, XML Protocol, XML Core, and Advisory committees.  I was
a co-editor of the W3C XML Link and XInclude specifications, and the OASIS
SAML domain model and core assertions document.  I participate actively in
web services related Java standards.  In the past, I also worked on
provisioning, billing, and usage standards for web services.  My earliest
work on web services was architecting and delivering a web-based student
registration system in 1997/98 that used xml over http.

I agree to participate as per the charter

Dave Orchard

Received on Tuesday, 5 February 2002 16:10:57 UTC