

I'm Doug Bunting and I'll be Sun's (non chair) representative the Web
Services Architecture WG.

I haven't been with Sun for all that long but a few of you know me from
previous lives elsewhere.  I've been involved in SGML and XML standards
efforts related to application integration and B2B connections since
just after XML became a Recommendation.

At some time in the far distant past, I was found assisting various
representatives on SQL and CCITT standards boards.  More generally, I've
been a software developer and architect for something greater than 12
years.  I started with a number of projects related to source code
translation and ports for database systems and moved through web
applications and other domains before "returning" to standards efforts.
Searching for a common thread in that experience and my standards
involvement, I'd say I have a knack for visual debugging, finding the
things that don't "look right" and helping to fix them.  I hope to bring
some of that to this group.

I'll also be continuing my involvement in various OASIS Technical
Committees, including ebXML Messaging and Business Transactions.

I appreciate the opportunity to work with all of you on this important
effort and agree to participate per the charter [1].  To my knowledge
Sun does not have any IPR claims that pertain to the work of this WG.

iPlanet Business Services
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Santa Clara, CA


Received on Tuesday, 5 February 2002 15:00:02 UTC