Re: Proposal re REST and Arch doc

> I've pretty much given up trying to convince the WG that the current
> path for a Web services architecture is doomed, and that REST is all
> you need.  So how about we include a section in the Arch Doc titled
> "Deviations from REST" where we document how Web services part ways
> with the Web/REST?
> This way, at least we'd be documenting where there might be tension in
> integrating the two, independant of whether or not you believe one or
> the other is the way forward.

Good idea, provocative title. It still carries a strong whiff of "REST
is orthodoxy, let's document some tolerated heresies". How
about entitling the section "Alternative Interaction State
Paradigms" (ah, that lovely weasel-word!), with at least four
- Asynchronous/dynamic
- Other

And before you protest that we haven't clearly identified what might
go into the third or fourth section, I believe that this omission 
will be
shortly corrected. In the mean time, I'd like to drive a stake into the
ground for a multiplicity of ideas - not just REST and "deviations".


Received on Tuesday, 20 August 2002 13:40:52 UTC