[STF] STF Unofficial Concall Minutes 8/5/02

<STF Meeting Minutes 8/5/2002>

Meeting Date    08/05/2002
Meeting Time    12:00-12:15 PDT (US Pacific Day-light Time)
Duration        1 Hour
Chair           Joe Hui
Scribe          Joe Hui

(AB) Abbie Barbir, Nortel Networks
(JH) Joe Hui, Exodus
(SM) Steven Monetti, AT&T

N/a.  The WSAWG was in summer recess.

Agendas & Minutes

In light that in the last week of August in Boston,
the W3C and OASIS would be co-sponsoring the Forum
on Security Standards for Web Services, the pressure
for holding a WSAWG security workshop/BOF in September,
as once tentatively suggested, was off. 
Abbie would be checking out the forum's program in order
to assess more accurately the feasibility of the security
workshop/BOF idea being floated in the WSAWG.

Per consensus, there was no other STF issues that
couldn't wait until after the WSAWG's summer recess.

We're now in full summer recess.

</STF Meeting Minutes 8/5/2002>

Received on Monday, 5 August 2002 22:04:31 UTC