RE: Face-toface review draft of requirements document

D-AG0017 appears, because of the ordering of the numbers, under the heading
"In addition, the Working Group will also act to:".  The verb that starts
the sentence, however, refers to the previous heading, "To develop a
standard reference architecture for web services that:".  Note that the
tenses of the verbs are different, as well as the meaning in context.  One
refers to what the architecture is supposed to do, the other to what the
working group is supposed to do.

This happened because the number was assigned late in the game and the
earlier numbers were already taken, not because of any judgement as to the
logic of the matter.

I'm not sure how to fix this.  Renumber?  Order non-sequentially in number?
Eliminate the numbers?  Bring the heading into the text so it no longer
starts, "... Provides" but includes the proper prefix?  Change the tense of
the verb, and the meaning, so that it refers to the working group rather
than the architecture?

It seems to me that the last alternative is the least desirable because the
metrics refer to the architecture, not the group activities.

Does D-AG0018 also have the same problem?  It looks to me like the metrics
mostly have to do with aspects of the architecture, not activities of the
working group.

-----Original Message-----
From: Austin, Daniel [] 
Sent: Monday, April 01, 2002 7:12 PM
Subject: Face-toface review draft of requirements document


	Thanks to the valiant efforts of my co-editors, I've uploaded yet
another updated version of the requirements draft (editor's copy). This
version is the last that will be published prior to the face-to-face meeting
in San Jose. This version includes the most recent wording of the draft
goals as well as associated CSFs and proposed requirements. 

	I've not edited all of the text proposed by champions for their
goals. Nor have i modified the ordering or presentation beyond trying to fit
the text into the document in a reasonable fashion.

	Please send all comments to me and CC the mailing list as well. 

	Thanks to Sharad and Abbie for all their hard work!



Dr. Daniel Austin, Sr. Technical Architect (847)
793 5044

"Sapere Aude!"

Received on Tuesday, 2 April 2002 10:26:49 UTC