Re: OWL translations: French, Japanese, Korean... wow!

Dan Brickley wrote:
> Heh, I wondered if this was the issue. Since the Webont WG seems to 
> believe rdfs:comment statements don't carry meaning, I suppose the group 
> wouldn't mind other folks making some (hopefully modest) rdfs:comment 
> statements about OWL terms, using sentences from the OWL specs? We could
> then get these meaningless comments translated into other languages 
> alongside the RDFCore terms...

No, no, that doesn't get it ... the problem is more that rdfs:comments 
*are* meaningful, not that they are not. Also, I don't think the Webont 
WG had consensus beliefs on this issue - it is more that not having 
comments was the easiest path to consensus, since no consensus on the 
force of comments needed to be formed.

We will see if Jim gets any responses.


Received on Sunday, 9 May 2004 07:31:38 UTC