Re: Proposed response to: rdf:about and owl:sameIndividualAs oddities

On Fri, 2003-05-30 at 13:41, pat hayes wrote:
> > You will follow up on this - reminder, you draft something and send
> > to WG before replying to person - JH
> OK, I'll do my best. The result is somewhat unconventional
>  but I hope it will serve.

very nearly...

> --------------------
> Dear Jimmy
> Re. your comment
> which was archived in

skip the 'which was archived'...

> The working group has decided not to follow your suggestion,

The WG hasn't actually decided anything. I hope we can
dispose of this comment without putting a WG decision
in the critical path.

Where exactly is his suggestion? Oh... hm... I see...
Let's respond this way instead:

  Before we get to your specific suggestion, I'd like
  to clarify what look like some misunderstandings of
  the present OWL (and RDF) design.

  [continue as you wrote... then close ala:]

  Is is sufficiently clear now how OWL and RDF are designed to work?
  Are you still interested in persuing your suggestion?

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Friday, 30 May 2003 15:01:07 UTC