WOWG: agenda May 22 telecon

[Note: discussion on LC comments (item 3) may depend on

AGENDA  Teleconference Web Ontology Working Group
May 22, 1200 (East US), 0900 (West US). 1700 (London), 1800 (Budapest)
Duration: 45-60 min

Bridge: +1.617.761.6200 then 9326#.
IRC Chat: (port 6665), #webont

1. Administrivia

Chair: Schreiber
Scribe: Baget

Role Call

Approve Minutes of May 15:

Next telecon: May 29, chair Hendler, scribe Hawke (to be confirmed)

2. Action item review

ACTION: Jim Hendler to report back on implementation feedback.
ACTION: Dan Connolly to create a test for imports
ACTION: Jim Hendler and Dan Connolly to compose a response to the LC 
comment on
	local and compound keys.
ACTION: Peter Patel-Schneider to work on proof for issue 5.26 B1,B2
ACTION: Dan Connolly publish XML syntax
ACTION: Peter Patel-Schneider and Jeremy Carroll to discuss solutions to
	bugs in RDF Semantics in Budapest
ACTION: Jeremy Carroll to make changes to test document concerning
	datatypes, as discussed
ACTION: Pat Hayes and Ian Horrocks will review changes
ACTION: Peter Patel-Schneider to design test that shows effects of recent
	proposed changes to RDF datatyping and sent to Jeremy Carroll
ACTION: Sandro Hawke to do publishing of Test
ACTION: Jim Hendler respond to XMLLiteral response

3. LC comments

Overview of general comments:

3.1 Proposed response to Golbeck's comment on owl:imports (Heflin):

3.2 RDFCore: NP completeness of owl/RDF mapping

Description of the problem with possible fixes (Carroll):
Response by Patel-Scheider:

3.3 RDFCore: owl:class not needed?

      It has been suggested to
      RDFCore that owl:Class is not needed.  RDFCore requests the
      creation of test cases to clearly illustrate the differences
      between owl:Class and rdfs:Class.

3.4 XMLLiteral examples for I18N (Carroll):

4. AOB

NOTE: new affiliation per April 1, 2003

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Received on Wednesday, 21 May 2003 10:57:37 UTC