SEM: OWL Full semantics

Pat, in your message
you wrote very sensible comments which I fully support.
If I may suggest, put on your OWL S&AS editor's hat and
put it those changes !-) Further on, as I have suggested
many times, the OWL Full vocabulary extension of the
RDFS semantics [RDFS MT] could be made explicit in the
shape of corresponding entailment or inference rules
which are sanctioned by those OWL Full semantics.
What I captured from many people in the community
is that they are really interested in that and that
it would drastically increase interoperability between
OWL Full reasoners, verifiers and explainers. I also
believe that this is a realistic job; even achieving
a minimum set is much better than having nothing ;-)

-- ,
Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Saturday, 10 May 2003 08:10:10 UTC