RE: owl:OntologyProperty

> I don't know what this has to do with owl:OntologyProperty, however.

Hmmm ...

Problem Statement

Ontology( <bar> Annotation( owl:priorVersion <foo> ) )
Ontology( <foo> )

can map to an RDF graph including the triple

owl:priorVersion rdf:type owl:OntologyProperty . **

(by the mapping rules of 20th March)
This seems a mistake.

Also the rdfs.html part of 20th March also has owl:OntologyProperty defined,
suggesting that in OWL Full we could write:

<eg:x> rdf:type owl:OntologyProperty . **

Both **ed triples seem incorrect, in terms of WG decisions, and my previous
e-mail in this thread.

Suggested Solution

A fix is simply to not add the term from the vocabulary.
i.e. in

Annotation(ontologyPropertyID URIreference)


O ontologyPropertyID URIreference .
URIreference rdf:type owl:Ontology .

(old triple
ontologyPropertyID rdf:type owl:OntologyProperty .

and in


delete entry in two tables for owl:OntologyProperty and replace with text:


IOXP &subset; IOP  is the set of OWL ontology properties.
If e &isin; IOXP then EXT<sub>l</sub>(e) &subset; IXxIX.
Ontology properties relate ontologies to other ontologies.



Received on Tuesday, 25 March 2003 11:06:43 UTC