ISSUE 4.6 equivalentTo: reopned + proposal to close

ISSUE 4.6 equivalentTo

At the November 30 telecon [1] the WG decided the following (excerpt
from the minutes):

Guus proposed to accept proposal from Peter with amendment that we add
sameAs that is a synonym for sameIndividualAs with exactly the same
semantics.  Jeremy, Leo, Ian, Chris W, Jos De Roo, and Peter
abstained.  Issue 4.6 was resolved by consensus and in now closed. We
will have owl:sameClassAs, samePropertyAs, sameIndividualAs and
sameAs which is a synonym for sameIndividualAs.

There is new evidence since this resolution. When we took the
decision we still had samePropertyAs and sameClassAs. This was the
main reason for having the name "sameIndividualAs", i.e. to prevent
confusion. But after comments from Brian McBride in January we decided 
in our
telecon of 30 Jan [2] that we would rename the former two to
equivalentClass/Property. This means the type confusion no longer

Based on this new evidence the chairs are reopening this issue and
propose the following amended resolution:


Keep the current resolution with the following amendment:
"owl:sameAs" is the name in the OWL vocabulary for
expressing equality of individuals; owl:sameIndividualAs"
is dropped from the OWL vocabulary.

- no synonym is better
- sameAs matches with differentFrom
- sameAs is not biased toward either DL or Full.



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Received on Wednesday, 25 June 2003 08:14:20 UTC