Re: Proposed response to ml

Sean - This looks okay with me, however I'd be more comfortable if 
DanC would take a look at it as well.  If he's okay with it, send it. 
- JH

At 10:21 AM +0100 6/17/03, Sean Bechhofer wrote:
>Thanks for your comments[1].
>RDFCore are concerned about the clarity in the OWL specifications of what
>RDF is legal OWL DL and OWL lite.  This seems to be described only in S+AS
>which is a highly technical document and is likely to be inaccessible to
>many.  On reviewing the reference document some significant restrictions
>were not apparent to the RDFCore reviewer.  We cannot be confident,
>therefore, that other restrictions we would care about, have not been
>RDFCore requests that the specifications be amended to include a
>description of necessary conditions for a RDF document to be in OWL DL and
>OWL Lite.  This description should be as accurate as possible consistent
>with a goal of it being comprehensible to a majority of the community.
>Such a description may bring to light further issues.
>An appendix has been added to the OWL Reference Doc (Appendix E: Rules
>of Thumb for OWL Ontologies [2]). This appendix is intended to address
>precisely this issue: which RDF graphs are legal OWL DL and OWL
>Lite. Of course this is not intended as an normative description --
>the finer details are still contained within the S+AS. However, the
>appendix presents some general rules which, if followed, should ensure
>that graphs are legal DL/Lite. Rather than providing a formal
>characterisation of DL/Lite, one can view the philosophy of the rules
>as "if you follow these, you'll be ok.".
>Please respond, copying, as to whether
>you are satisfied with this response.
>Sean Bechhofer
>Sean Bechhofer

Professor James Hendler
Director, Semantic Web and Agent Technologies	  301-405-2696
Maryland Information and Network Dynamics Lab.	  301-405-6707 (Fax)
Univ of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742	  *** 240-277-3388 (Cell)      *** NOTE CHANGED CELL NUMBER ***

Received on Tuesday, 17 June 2003 08:11:51 UTC