TEST: 2 of 7 : issue 5.3

general interest? Ian, DanC, Jos

The updates for the change to the resolution of issue 5.3 are as follows:

New third para in section 3

The metadata also indicates the language levels appropriate for each test and 
each document in each test. For each RDF/XML document, one language level is 
indicated, being OWL Lite, OWL DL or OWL Full, as given by the syntactic 
rules in [OWL Semantics and Abstract Syntax]. For semantic tests, one or two 
language levels are indicated. If the language level OWL Full is indicated 
for a semantic test, then the test holds according to the RDF-Compatible 
Model-Theoretic Semantics in [OWL Semantics and Abstract Syntax]. If the 
language level OWL Lite or OWL DL is indicated for a semantic test, then the 
test holds according to the Direct Model-Theoretic Semantics in [OWL 
Semantics and Abstract Syntax]. If the language level OWL Lite is indicated 
for a semantic test, then the test only uses features within the OWL Lite 


concerted the following from defining one concept 'consistent' to defining two 
concepts 'OWL DL consistent' and 'OWL Full consistent':
 An OWL Lite or OWL DL document D is OWL DL consistent with respect to a 
datatype theory T if and only if there is some abstract OWL interpretation I 
with respect to T such that I satisfies an abstract ontology O equivalent to 
D, in which O has a separated vocabulary; (see [OWL Semantics and Abstract 

An OWL Full document D is OWL Full consistent with respect to a datatype 
theory T, if and only if there is some OWL Full interpretation I with respect 
to T such that I satisfies all the RDF graphs in some imports closed 
collection containing an RDF graph equivalent to D. 

added new para
An OWL consistency checker MUST provide a means to determine the model theory 
[OWL Semantics and Abstract Syntax], it uses (either the Direct 
Model-Theoretic Semantics or the RDF-Compatible Model-Theoretic Semantics); 
for example, in its supporting documentation. 

clarified which semantics each consistency checker should use
An OWL Lite consistency checker is an OWL consistency checker that takes an 
OWL Lite document as input, and uses the Direct Model-Theoretic Semantics.

 An OWL DL consistency checker is an OWL consistency checker that takes an OWL 
DL document as input and uses the Direct Model-Theoretic Semantics. 

An OWL Full consistency checker is an OWL consistency checker that takes an 
OWL Full document as input and uses the RDF-Compatible Model-Theoretic 

modified note
Note: An OWL Full consistency checker may indicate that an OWL DL document is 
inconsistent, while an OWL DL consistency checker indicates that the same 
document is consistent, (for example: compare test 
Thing-001 with Thing-002 or
compare AnnotationProperty-001> with <AnnotationProperty-002).
. Every OWL DL consistency checker is also an OWL Lite consistency checker. 

section 5.2
Added to first para
 The level of the test indicates the semantic theory being used, which may 
differ from the level of the file. For example, test Thing-001 contains an 
OWL DL file which is consistent as an OWL DL consistency test, but 
inconsistent as an OWL Full consistency test. 

Deleted OWL DL or OWL Lite from the following ...
An OWL Full consistency checker with appropriate datatype support, when 
presented with a file from an OWL Full, **OWL DL or OWL Lite** consistency 
test, must return Consistent or Unknown. 

section 6
minor changes
The conformance levels associated with both files and tests are given with the 
otest:level property. The value for each document is one of otest:Full, 
otest:DL, otest:Lite or otest:Other. Each test is explicitly associated with 
one or two levels.
If it is associated with otest:Lite then it
is implicitly suitable for otest:DL.

I also added the following tests (as actioned)

Received on Wednesday, 23 July 2003 13:20:10 UTC