Re: TEST: harder DL tests (3 SAT)

Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:

> I expect that this may be difficult to achieve, at least if you want the
> test to fit into the document.  Small tests are likely to be either easy
> (the reasoner can actually do this sort of thing) or impossible (the
> reasoner gets completely lost or does the wrong thing).
> If you are, however, looking for larger tests that exhibit this behaviour,
> you are likely to find them in the Tableaux'98 modal logic tests

I am happy to have larger tests that are out-of-line.
We already have the Guide examples out-of-line and I should move the 3-SAT 
ones out too. I probably need to add a flag to the test manifest to support 
out-of-line behaviour.

Some of Sean's tests are a bit big for the doc too - but I don't want to 
move too much out.

A difficulty with larger tests is verifying them.


Received on Friday, 28 February 2003 07:00:47 UTC