Re: possible changes to abstract syntax and direct semantics to support annotations and fix problem with imports


> > does the merge of the following OWL Lite graph
> >
> >   :x rdf:type owl:Thing.
> >   :a rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty.
> >   :b rdf:type owl:Thing.
> >   :c rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty.
> >   :d rdf:type owl:Thing.
> >   :x :a :b.                        # annotation triple
> >   :x :c :d.                        # annotation triple
> Annotation triples are really part of the abstract syntax, not the triple
> syntax.  In any case, the above graph is not an OWL Lite graph under my
> proposal.

Well, in your "Transformation to Triples" table in
I find that

  Individual(iID annotation1 ... annotationn
             type(type1) ... type(typen)
             value(pID1 value1) ... value(pIDn valuen))

generates the triples

  iID T(annotation1) . ... iID T(annotationn) .
  iID rdf:type T(type1) . ... iID rdf:type T(typen) .
  iID T(pID1) T(value1) . ... iID T(pIDn) T(valuen) .

and that

  Annotation(URIreference URIreference)

generates the triple

  U <URIreference> <URIreference> .

What did I misunderstand?


-- ,
Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Sunday, 9 February 2003 18:46:52 UTC