Overview ready to go (resolutions to roadmap, datatypes, intersectionOf issues)

There is now an update that includes resolutions to the only outstanding
issues - a roadmap, datatypes section, and intersectionOf for classes
and restrictions.

I have sent separate email to massimo about publishing.

best access point is the normal place
which is also linked to
http://www.ksl.stanford.edu/people/dlm/webont/OWLOverview.htm  )

for completeness, I also include it in this posting for the w3c


 Deborah L. McGuinness
 Knowledge Systems Laboratory
 Gates Computer Science Building, 2A Room 241
 Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-9020
 email: dlm@ksl.stanford.edu
 URL: http://ksl.stanford.edu/people/dlm/index.html
 (voice) 650 723 9770    (stanford fax) 650 725 5850   (computer fax)
801 705 0941

Received on Wednesday, 5 February 2003 17:57:36 UTC