Re: ***Re: OVERVIEW: WG preference - action from telecon

Since the issue of interscection in OWL Lite has generated so much heat,
I post here the final text that the Overview document contains:

> OWL Lite contains an intersection constructor but limits its usage.
> intersectionOf:
> OWL Lite allows intersections of named classes and
> restrictions. For example, the class EmployedPerson can be described as the
> intersectionOf Person and EmployedThings (which could be defined as things
> that have a minimum cardinality of 1 on the hasEmployer property). From
> this a reasoner may deduce that any particular EmployedPerson has at least
> one employer.

1. mentions the allowed use of intersectionOf in OWL Lite
2. mentions that this OWL Lite use of intersectionOf is restricted
3. gives a short example
in a manner which I believe to be correct w.r.t. the recent discussions.

The OWL DL/Full text now states:

>  OWL allows arbitrary Boolean combinations of classes and restrictions
> (named and unnamed): unionOf, complementOf, and intersectionOf.

to reflect that the more liberal use of intersectionOf there.


Received on Wednesday, 5 February 2003 05:09:46 UTC