Re: minor typos in Test doc

[Sean's further explanation of]

> Well, in general, the intersection of
>    restriction(a:r someValuesFrom a:d)
>    restriction(a:r someValuesFrom a:c)
> means that there must be a d related via r and a c related via r, but
> don't *have* to be the same individual -- there could be two of them.
> In this case of this test, however, the extra constraint on the
> cardinality of r (due to the negation of the minCardinality) means
> that there can *only* be one, hence the contradiction.
> The various different ways of combining restrictions using intersection
> and union are related as follows:
> 1. some R.(C and D)
> 2. (some R.C) and (some R.D)
> 3. some R.(C or D)
> 4. (some R.C) or (some R.D)
> Given no other contraints, we know that it's always the case that:
> 1. => 2.
> 2. => 3.
> 2. => 4.
> 3. == 4.
> Apologies if this is teaching grandma to suck eggs (another marvellous
> phrase :-).

No apologies, this is extremely useful teaching!
Above implications are exactly what I'm missing
in my understanding and I believe it will simplify
our clumsy implementation that we have right now.
Is all R.(C and D) similar?
What about complement? Is
complement some R.C = all R.(complement C)?
Is the some/all converse also the case?

Thanks in advance ;-)

Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Wednesday, 13 August 2003 06:55:42 UTC