WOWG: Status of non-closed issues

All - in preparing for the end game, I want to check that we are in 
agreement as to where we stand on all the issues not yet closed - we 
want to make sure we'll get to all of them.

Please take a minute to review the issues below, and
  1) If you think I've got it wrong, please reply to this mail to the group
  2) If you feel passionately about one of these issues, please let me 
and Guus know directly and/or reply to the group.

ISSUES with a "*" need someone to make a proposal as to how to close.

Issue 4.4 - extralogical feature set
  Proposal by Hendler 10/29 to close with no change needed to OWL.

Issue 4.6 - equivalentTo
  Still open and to be discussed - depends in part on formalism issues
(note that we will still need to decide the issue of whether we offer 
equivalentTo as well as the sameXXXAs constructions - as well as 
whether equivalentTO is limited to same "type")

Issue 5.5 - List Syntax or Semantics
   Now that RDF Core has a list construct, the question of what it 
looks like is resolved, but the issue of whether the semantics are in 
RDF or OWL remains.  I assume this will be dealt with in the 
formalism document

Issue 5.6 - imports
  this has been discussed, and we are working towards resolution.  I 
believe we have consensus on the desired behavior, but are struggling 
with how to write this up.

Issue 5.7 - restricted ranges
  Likely consensus to POSTPONE this issue, but waiting to hear from 
Ziv Hellman who raised it.  Email has been sent, if not replied to by 
time we need it, we'll postpone the issue

Issue 5.8 - datatypes
  I believe we have consensus to use the RDF solution.  We need to 
call this question.  If we do accept this, we need to decide if 
cardinality constraints will be expressed as datatypes or as numerals

** Issue 5.9 - malformed D+O restrictions
  This is essentially subsumed by the semantic document - we need to 
take an action to either withdraw this issue or to declare it closed 
- PFPS is issue owner.

** Issue 5.13 - internet media type for OWL
  Dan C has provided background document and there has been 
discussion.  Currently it appears that application/rdf+xml is 
sufficient, and that creating an application/owl media type would 
take extra work.  We need a proposal to close this issue.

** 5.14 - Ontology versioning
  Jeff proposed a solution, it engendered much discussion, but we've 
not yet reached a concensus.  I believe there might be some consensus 
to go with his Backward-compatible and extends, while there is 
resistance to Deprecates.  Jeff proposed these as extra-logical 
restrictions (i.e. operational rather than formal semantics) minutes 
seem to reflect soem resistance on part of some of WG to this. We 
need a proposal to move this issue forward.

Issue 5.17 - XML presentation syntax
  Peter Patel-Schneider working on this as a document.  We should 
CLOSE this issue with resolution to produce the document.

** Issue 5.18 - Unique names assumption
  We need a proposal to close this issue.  One possibility is to 
accept that the differentThan construct is good enough.  Another is 
to POSTPONE this issue and to demote the requirement to an objective. 
Alternatively, someone could propose a mechanism that the formal 
document could endorse - needs action.
Deb McGuinness is issue owner.

** Issue 5.19 - Classes as Instances
  We have resolved these are included in large owl.  Some discussion 
of whether they are allowed in Owl Lite.  Majority reflected 
willingness to leave out of OWL Lite, but some dissent.  Someone 
needs to suggest a specific action, or we should Close this issue 
with resolution that these are allowed in Large OWL (implying they 
are not part of Lite).

[Issue 5.21 - drop disjointUnion
  This was closed last week, issues list needs to be updated to reflect this]

Professor James Hendler
Director, Semantic Web and Agent Technologies	  301-405-2696
Maryland Information and Network Dynamics Lab.	  301-405-6707 (Fax)
Univ of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742	  240-731-3822 (Cell)

Received on Tuesday, 29 October 2002 08:13:59 UTC