Re: Proposal that Issue 3.3 (Daml:DisjointFrom) be eradicated from the issues list

> Issue 3.3 - daml:disjointFrom

This should be daml:disjointWith (my typo - sorry).

> [note - if someone wishes to raise this issue - please submit an 
> issue writeup for this]

The ability to specify disjointness of classes is not
explicitly motivated by any of the requirements [1].  It is
mentioned in the comment:

  For example, RDF Schema cannot specify that the Person and
  Car classes are disjoint

No proposals have been made to drop this feature from the
language.  There has been some agreement that
daml:disjointUnionOf should be dropped in favor of
daml:disjointWith and daml:subClassOf or daml:unionOf.



Received on Thursday, 30 May 2002 00:15:41 UTC