Re: DTTF: How unasserted triples help


>>Not to my satisfaction.
>What would satisfy you? Do you want more justification that there is
>a problem to be solved, or are you doubtful whether this proposal
>will constitute a solution?

Well, it's not an answer (and I'm not DanC), but we found
( <uri1> <uri2> ... <urii> ) log:entails <uri> . (*)
on the one side and its proof on the other side
and in resolving such a log:entails statement
the contents of <uri1>, <uri2>, ...<urii> are asserted
and, if the proof succeeds, <uri> as well
(but in the form of a proof argument).
So (*) can be a kind of *fuse* for the the assertion
of the contents of <uri>.
If the fuse blows up, the assertion is gone as well.


Received on Thursday, 23 May 2002 20:02:20 UTC