MISC: layering OWL on top of something with no definition

There has recently been quite a bit of discussion on just what RDF is.  The
answer to this question vitally affects WebOnt, as OWL is supposed to be
layered on top of RDF, and if there is no consensus on what RDF is there is
no way that OWL can be layered on top of RDF.

Therefore I think that WebOnt has to come up with a position on this
issue.  I think that WebOnt has to address this issue immediately, as it
affects just about all of the work in WebOnt.

As I see it, there are roughly three choices:

1/ Suspend activities in WebOnt until there is a definition of what RDF is,
   and, more importantly, what RDF is not.

2/ Devise a definition of RDF and use that definition.

3/ Stop trying to layer on top of RDF. 

I propose that this issue be put on the agenda for this weeks telecon.

Peter F. Patel-Schneider
Bell Labs Research

PS:  Is this a formal issue?  I tend to think not, at least for now.

Received on Monday, 3 June 2002 09:25:58 UTC